This mantra is about letting go. It is kind of a continuation in spirit of last month's mantra. (I came across this one from Shakta Khalsa's book, "The Yoga Way To Radiance").
"The more you struggle against something, the stronger it gets" is very true in a lot of day to day events. We've all been there... somebody cutting you off in traffic, and finding that you are still angry about hours after it happened. But who are you struggling against? The person who cut you off? The universe for unfairly putting this person in front of you? Or are you struggling against yourself? The ego? In most cases, the struggle is within yourself. Do you think the person who cut you off is thinking about what happened? The more attention you give it, the stronger it becomes. But, if you learn to let it go, you will find that these daily annoyances, will get weaker.
What are some of your daily struggles?